Health & Safety

Striving for health and safety excellence

At P.P. Group we subscribe to the highest possible standards in the field of occupational health and safety. As such, we strive to conform to the internationally applied ISO 45001 health and safety management system. Our company group’s core health and safety objective is to minimise occupational risk and ultimately achieve an accident-free workplace.
We continuously endeavour to achieve the best possible working conditions and are proud of our excellent health and safety record.

Our commitment to compliance and ongoing assessment ensures the management of our health and safety system is implemented in the best possible way, delivering the best possible working conditions across the P.P. Group.

Health and safety policy

To achieve our goals and meet all our statutory duties we are committed to rigorously enforcing our Health & Safety policy. This is designed to promote the health, safety and welfare at work of all our employees by ensuring the following:

  • Providing adequate information, instruction and training to employees to ensure their competence.
  • Undertaking suitable and sufficient risk assessments and safe working procedures for all work activities to ensure a safe place of work.
  • Providing and maintaining safe plant, equipment and work place.
  • Ensuring that adequate welfare facilities are provided, maintained and kept clean and serviceable.
  • Ensuring that where applicable, contractors are suitably vetted and monitored to ensure they are aware of any inherent dangers at their place of work and they do not adversely affect any employee.
  • Health and Safety objectives are reviewed on a quarterly basis by top management.

Ongoing commitment

Safety is of paramount importance at The P.P. Group of Companies. With unwavering support through all levels of our management structure and the whole-hearted co-operation of our employees, we endeavour to comply with all our statutory duties and requirements. We have an open-door policy with our employees and encourage regular dialogue and free exchange of ideas relating to health and safety at work, including a mechanism for issues to be raised by staff and / or their representatives. As part of our ongoing commitment we review our Health & Safety policy on a regular basis.