Case Studies
The Project
The client, a prominent global manufacturer of tunnelling machines, was undertaking a large-scale tunnelling project involving Network Rail. They requested our expertise to assist them in manufacturing a 9 m diameter earth-moving machine which was required for the task.
We were given a challenging brief that called for a series of profiles cut with very tight tolerances, including a series of 40 mm bolt holes, which had to be cut in a 50 mm thick plate. The job also needed to be completed within a short deadline.
Our experts correctly identified that the best strategy would be to order non-standard sheet sizes that were de-coiled in size. We accurately forecast that this would ensure the client got the best use from their material in the most cost-efficient way.
75 tons of free issue material was ordered for the job, and we used state-of-the-art flame and plasma cutting techniques to achieve a clean, high quality cut in accordance with the brief.
The Result
The work was completed in just five working days, comfortably achieving the client’s required timescale.
The finished profiles achieved a tolerance of +/-2 mm on 50 mm thick plate that was over 7240 mm long. Our work profiling the 40 mm holes meant that the client was spared the time and expense that would have been necessary for drilling these holes.
Since it was completed in July 2015, the finished machine has been sent to Bolton and will continue to be of benefit to other Network Rail projects.